Malik Gabdullin Museum
department of culture, archives and Documentation of Akmola region
''The heroic tradition is a succession of generations''

On January 30, Malik Gabdullin was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union by the Decree of the Supreme Presidium. For the Kazakh people, this Golden Star is very dear. The heroism of the Kazakh soldiers, who performed feats of arms from the day the war began, began to be recognized from that very day. Perhaps that is why Malik Gabdullin said: "This title was given not only to me, but to the entire Kazakh people."

Traditionally for this significant day, the Malik Gabdullin Museum at the Krasnoyar multidisciplinary school-gymnasium №3 organized the event " The heroic tradition is a succession of generations ".

During the event, a traveling exhibition "Steps of a Great Life" and a documentary film of 1943 filmed during the arrival of Malik Gabdullin on a short vacation after receiving the title of Hero of the Soviet Union were demonstrated. And also the ranks of the military-patriotic “Young guard”("ZhasUlan") named after M.Gabdullin, which has been operating for more than 20 years, were replenished.

Zhas Ulanovites solemnly took the oath and they were presented with certificates by the head of the NGO "Union of invalids and veterans of the war in Afghanistan" of Akmola region D.K.Ybyraev and akim of the Krasnoyarsk rural district N.K.Aisin.

The Young guard, who took the first important step in their lives, were congratulated by the chief curator of the museum funds department M.Gabdullin S.K.Zhuzhanova and the head of the educational department of the Krasnoyar multidisciplinary school-gymnasium No. 3 S.Zhumagulova.

We know Malik Gabdullin as a Hero of the Second World War. We must also show to the young generation today's heroes of Independent Kazakhstan, setting them up as an example.

A specially invited employee of the Firefighting and Rescue Service of the Department of Emergency Situations also made a congratulatory speech at the event.

Akmola region, the owner of the medal "For bravery", the commander of the HRC1 department A.T.Kaliev and senior engineer A.D.Sarsenbay told about the exploits of Akmola residents, the heroes of our time.

We are proud that today there are worthy followers of Malik Gabdullin. And we know that educating the younger generation in a patriotic direction is of great importance.


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